Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hugh. They let any stranger into the studio these days. Forget it. I turn away from the rude stranger that has intruded into my sanctuary--
The only place where my thoughts can come and go,
where I am allowed by the world to be the wonderer I need to be.
On the landing of the last flight of stairs, I already hear them looking for me.
"Make-up! We're gonna start again in 5!"
The day that Gill stops yelling would be the day of world peace.
"Where's Ray? She must be wonderin' off again! Find her!"
"I'm here, I'm here."
And the day that I'd love her again...
"Seth!" That tore a hole into my thoughts,"We must get this right! I know you can do this. What's gotten into you today, kid? Get out there and give it one last shot."
Getting down on my knees on the set-up tiles, I held my seemingly pain-wrought and bleeding co-star in my arms-- just a second ago she was sauntering over with a nibble of her baguette in her mouth.
"Take 4! Crying Scene! Action!"
Blank tears start forming in my eyes and empty words of passion start spilling out,
worlds apart from the ones I cried to her, the ones I whispered to her.
it doesnt end here...
9:12 AM